Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID-19 and your Dog and Cat

COVID-19 Outbreak!
Photo: CDC on Unsplash

WOOF! WOOF! Meows, Meows! Samson and I took a little time recently to get away from the computer and have been hanging out with our humans these past few weeks. I haven't been feeling well so I wanted a break and Samson just wanted to be a cat and do what cats do best.

Barkingly, with all the news about the Coronavirus, Samson and I want to share with you the latest news as we can. Barks, as always is our practice if you have any concerns about your pets, pawlease contact your Veterinarian. A strong relationship with a Veterinarian is your best resource.

Paws, of the resources we have been reading including the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), Tufts University, PetMD, and Dogster among others, we want to paws a few thoughts about dogs and cats during this time of the Coronavirus!

As of the writing of this post, the AVMA barks a huge "NO!" about dogs and cats being carriers of COVID-19. There has been no evidence, no cases, no dogs or cats who have carried the disease to humans or humans to their pets either. WOOF! WOOF! Barks. WOOF! There is NO REASON for humans to abandon their pets! YOU need them, THEY need you!

Barkingly, those comments DO NOT MEAN that if you have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 you should be around your pets, petting your pets, or breathing on them. Paws, why risk it though statistics say it's not likely?! Barks, the best idea is to have another human take care of your pet while you are quarantined. Have them feed, pet, groom, walk, and play with them- to be safe. Paws.

Paws, it still doesn't hurt to use extra hygiene precautions just to be safe! Remember there is NO REASON to abandon your pet!


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