WOOFS! MEOWS! Paws, we pawlan to return to writing about our friends needing "Forever Homes!" with humans to love who will love them, next Friday, March 4, 2022.
MEOWS! WOOF! Barks! Have a fantastic weekend my friends!
© 2022, Mighty Dog Graphics |
"A Smiling Dog!" Photo by Marek Szturc on Unsplash |
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
(C) 2022, RedandHowling, All Rights Reserved, Used by Permission |
"Happy Valentine's Day!" Photo by alleksana from Pexels |
Photo: PetConnect Rescue Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
Photo: PetConnect Rescue Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
Meows, Johnny is a very calm and quiet kinda fella! He is doing pawsomely well indoors. His quiet self needs an adopter who will respect his laid-back attitude! He does pawsitively well with humans who are calm and gentle.
Johnny just loves being brushed and petted. He typically can be found hiding under the furniture- a favorite spot of his!
Purrs, Johnny is FIV/FeLV negative, current with his vaccines and preventatives. He is completely litter box trained.
Photo: PetConnect Rescue Creative: from The Dog's Paw! |
"A Groundhog!" |
WOOFS! Woof! Happy Groundhog Day! It is the day in which we all wait for Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who lives at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to forecast the weather for the next few weeks! Will we have six more weeks of winter? Or, will warm weather arrive soon? Woofs! Only Phil knows!
Barks, the day celebration originated in the 1700s when the German settlers who came to Pennsylvania brought their seasonal superstitions with them. Legend has it, if Phil sees his shadow, the winter weather will continue. If he doesn't, we can expect warmer weather with an early Spring. Woofs.
Woofs, as a young boy, my human used to look forward to Groundhog Day in hopes that the critter would not see his shadow as he wanted an early Spring. He used to dislike winter with its freezing temperatures!
Groundhog Day is an annual celebration in the United States and Canada with the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania hosting a day of celebration!