Saturday, November 30, 2013

2nd Annual Christmas Gifts Festival - For Love of A Dog

My next artist in the Christmas Gifts Festival is "For Love of A Dog!"  WOOF!!  For "Love of A Dog" celebrated the Christmas Gifts Festival last year and I am pawed to welcome them back!  

RUFF!!!! This year, I pawed my buddies, Jeffie, Rudy, and Rosie to bark about their human's business giving a unique barkspective on her art.

Hey guys! Please introduce yourselves-

Woof! I’m Jeffie and, as the oldest, I get to do the most barking around here. I’m 7 and I think I wear my age very well. That big lug of a guy is Rudy. He’s 3, but still pretty goofy. Shortie over there is our sis, Rosie. She just turned one year old this month and had a great birthday party.

My dog mama was a Golden Retriever who had a rendezvous with a Border Collie. Mama found me and Rosie in the same animal shelter and fell in love at first sight. (What’s not to love about this face?!) Don’t let Rosie’s black fur fool you - her dog mama was a Golden Retriever, too. Rudy is a Labrador Retriever and he fancies himself a cover model or something.

WOOF!! Please tell me about your human-Our mama’s name is Sue and we love her! We just wish she wouldn’t work so much and would play Jolly ball and flippy flier with us all day, every day!

What's "For Love of A Dog" about?For Love of a Dog Jewelry & Gifts is our Mama’s business. I bet you didn't know that we work for her. Our jobs are very important! I’m the Head of Security. Though we all patrol and protect, it’s my job to keep an eye out for any traffic up on the road - especially the FedEx or UPS men - any wild animals or birds that venture into our territory.

Rudy is Head of Shipping. He makes sure every order is gift boxed, wrapped in tissue and headed off to our customers in a timely fashion.

Rosie? Well, right now Rosie is an apprentice. She’s young and we’re not sure yet just where her talents lie. She might turn out to be the best greeter and Head of Customer Service. Right now she’s pretty much a horner-inner, if you know what I mean. Puppies, right?!

I see your human makes jewelry- please woof about it-Mama has a jewelry studio that’s like a little house with lots of big windows. We all like to go out there with her. We keep her company and she says we inspire her.

Our mama, Sue, makes beautiful one of a kind jewelry for people who love dogs. Rudy like mama’s specific dog breed jewelry best, particularly the yellow Lab dog jewelry. Rosie and I really like the mutt and mixed dog breed jewelry a lot.

All three of us love mama’s bracelets, especially the Dog Mom , Adopt a Best Friend, and Rescue dog bone bracelets! And for the guys, there are pawsome dog breed Christmas ornaments that are real treats! (We really like treats.)

All her jewelry is handmade and beautiful. Fetch For Love of a Dog and you’ll see what we mean! You can search by Specific Dog Breed Jewelry, by Mutts Dog, by something for your Dog Mom, or by Adopt a Dog and Dog Rescue Jewelry  and you can shop for Dog Breed Christmas Ornaments!!

Woof! Almost forgot - there’s free shipping to all US addresses, too!

RUFF!!! PAWS TO YOU Jeffie, Rudy, and Rosie for barking with me about your humans jewelry.   Have a PAWSOME Christmas!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday's Friend - Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc.

"Bailey and Molly"
Credit: PetConnect Rescue
This week, I have two young ladies from Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc. for you to meet this week.  These girls are sisters so they need to be adopted together- WOOF!!!  Where one goes, there goes the other!  Meet Bailey and Molly!!

Bailey is a 3 year old spayed yellow female who weights 89 lbs., is heartworm negative, gets along with other dogs and is approved for children ages 6 and up! She is pawsome!

Molly at 3 years old is the leader of the two- they more or less depend on each other as siblings go.  She tends to be the boss and investigates stuff while Bailey will be right along to help out!!  She weighs 72 lbs. is heartworm negative and is approved for children ages 6 and up too!

Both girls are true sweethearts and good looking!! WOOF!!! WOOF!!!! er, woof, sorry, er, They are good size dogs who lover to play, are strong, smart and quick to catch on to your routine.  They are both crate and house trained!

One really cool thing Bailey and Molly like to do is sit next to their human, one on each side!!  These girls love to run and would do well with a large fenced yard.

Want more information? RUFF!!! Please contact the Lab Rescue!  

Friday's Friend - PetConnect Rescue

Fall. Thanksgiving. Pumpkins. Cool weather. Leaves of every color-  How about a cat named Pumpkin who would like to be your friend?  And, is looking for a Forever Home? 

My friend Cat Lady from PetConnect Rescue has brought me another really cool looking cat, yes, guys I said it- take a look for yourself - I think she's cool!!  

I would say the colors do remind me of a pumpkin- orange and white and brown and all-  she is 3 years old and is a beautiful long haired kitty who was found raising her kittens in a shed.  According to Cat Lady, orange cats are usually male so she is an extra special lady!  

Happy to be rescued, she adores attention and will stand on her back feet to bump your hands to get it! 

A sweet, healthy cat, Pumpkin is up to date on her vaccinations and always uses her litterbox. She is good with dogs, other cats and children.  Pumpkin would make a great addition to your family!  WOOF!! 

If you would like more information, please visit PetConnect Rescue and complete their application. They will contact you.
Used by Permission, PetConnect Rescue

Friday's Friend - Washington Humane Society

HAPPY FRIDAY- or should I say, Happy Black Friday- I hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday.  My friends at the Washington Humane Society have brought a friend by for you to meet!

Credit: Washington Humane Society
Giselle Ford, a Customer Care Associate at the Washington Humane Society told me "Snapple is a sweet guy. He deserves a great home because after becoming a true part of the WHS family and is ready to find a family of his own - a home where he can spend the many cat years he has left!!” says Giselle Ford, Customer Care Associate.

An 8 lb., Shorthair/Mix senior cat enjoys relaxing withhumans and is full of purrs and love!  He would make a good companion for another cat or be the only one!

Meet Snapple at our New York Avenue Adoption Center! 1201 New York Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002
(202) 576-6664 or visit Washington Humane Society Adoption for more information.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear God,
As I lie at my humans feet
 while they celebrate Thanksgiving,
I think of the many reasons that I have to be thankful.
Thank you God for my humans,
they are really great to me-
Mom gives me some really great
belly rubs and ear scratches,
Dad and I take walks together 
and go for rides in his car he bought
for me instead of having a midlife crisis
and buying a sports car- whatever that is! WOOF!!
Thank you God for the food
my humans spend their hard earned money on 
so that I stay healthy.
Thank you God for the water
my humans give me- though I still don't
understand why my Dad doesn't 
want me drinking from ponds, puddles,
creeks and especially the big white water dishes
in his backyard- something about for the birds?
Thank you God for treats
my humans give me- 
they work hard to keep me healthy,
Thank you God for the 
toys my humans give me- 
they keep me busy...
Thank you God,
for the many rescue groups
and shelters,
who work tirelessly
to help animals like me
find homes 
and help lost ones
find their way back... 
without them,
so many of us would be homeless,
Thank you God for the blessings
I haven't barked
for making my life so
wonderfully blessed! 


Monday, November 25, 2013

2nd Annual Christmas Gifts Festival - Wind Wolf Photography

Credit: Wind Wolf Photography
Used by Permission
My next artist in this year's Christmas Gifts Festival is, Wind Wolf Photography, a Pet Portrait Photography service.

My name is Tiffany, and I am a 22 year old photographer based in Hereford, AZ, though I service all of Arizona-from Flagstaff to Sierra Vista.

I graduated from Northern Arizona University in 2013 with a Bachelors in Photography and a Minor in Business. My specialty is Pet Portraiture-specifically dogs, though I am up for photographing any animal that you consider your pet or companion animal. I also do freelance photography, and am a pet blogger.

I combine my hobby of dog training with my passion and creativity for photography. I am able to establish a connection and understanding with my model to create a unique portrait. I like to think that I speak “dog” quite fluently! I have been referred to as the “dog whisperer,” because wherever I go, I have quite the entourage in my wake.

I have 3 dogs of my own who are my regular models-a 9 year old Blue Heeler, Bella; a 2 year old Australian Shepherd, Terra; and a 1 year old Blue Heeler/Cesky Terrier X, Kronos. I enjoy training my dogs, and they love learning tricks. This also makes for great photo opportunities!

Credit: Wind Wolf Photography
Used by Permission
I have recently launched a greeting card line featuring my favorite models. I have been unable to find much Australian Cattle Dog merchandise, and so decided to create some of my own! Each card is handmade and unique-no two are exactly alike. The cards can also be ordered with any of my images shown on my website.

Please check me out on Facebook at Wind Wolf Photography.

Credit: Wind Wolf Photography
Used by Permission

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday's Friend - Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc.

Credit: Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc.

WOOF!! WOOF! RUFF! How cool is this?  It is raining puppies! Lab Rescue has TWENTY EIGHT puppies between 5 and 8 weeks of age. The puppies are in foster homes in Fairfax, VA; Olney, MD; and Yorktown, VA and will be ready to head home very soon.

Interested?  Get your application in at Act today as the puppies will go fast! .

Friday's Friend - PetConnect Rescue

Cat Lady stopped by to see me this week- she got to see my human last weekend but said it wasn't complete since I didn't get to go to- but with all the cats around we didn't want to make them nervous with me around- a big black dog! WOOF!!!  
Great to see Cat Lady from PetConnect Rescue. She has brought "Jinx" for me to introduce to you for a Forever Home.  

Credit: PetConnect Rescue

What a cool looking cat!  WOOF!! The mix of colors creates an exotic looking beauty to her, she has pretty dilute tortoiseshell markings with a little nub of a tail that is about two inches long!!  Hadn't seen a cat like this- pawsome!

Jinx's super soft fur makes her a "softie" to pet and a youngster having been born in June 2013.  She is a bob-tailed little cutie who is friendly and outgoing. She likes humans and usually hangs around with the occasional climb into their laps!

She is healthy cat, up to date with vaccinations, always uses her litter box, and gets along well with the other cats and dog in her foster home.

For more information, please visit PetConnect Rescue's Adoption page. Please fill out the online application. They will be in touch.

Friday's Friend - Washington Humane Society

Hey! This must be the week for me to meet Pit Bulls or dogs like them- which is really cool- my human meet a Pit Bull named Pacino and had the funniest experience with him. Pacino has found his "Forever Home" and is very happy.

The Washington Humane Society sent me an email about a dog looking for his "Forever Home" that I would like for you to meet-  Twist!
Credit: Washington Humane Society

RUFF? Kind of an unusual name for a dog, so I asked Claudia Roll, Director of Shelter Programs who chose him as the "Staff Pick of the Week/ Pet of the Week" how he got his name: "Twist is the coolest dog in town! When he sees you come home, he doesn’t just wag his tail, he wags is whole body. That’s how he got his name. Twist is very playful and has great manners. He would love to be part of an active family that’s ready to play." That's a pawsome name- for a pawtastic dog!

Twist, a 43 pound, 5 year-old male, Boxer/American Staffordshire Terrier mix, is available for adoption at the Georgia Avenue Adoption Center:

7319 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20012

Friday's Friend - Ambassador Pit Bulls

WOOF!! WOOF!! This week, I got a visit from my friends at Ambassador Pit Bulls sent me this information about a really cool dog named Sasha for me to introduce to you.  She is looking for a friend and a Forever Home.  

During November, Sasha's adoption fee has been waived, though you still need to complete the adoption process!  For more information, Ambassador Pit Bulls

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dog Breeds - Australian Shepherd and Australian Shepherd Mixes

In my own pawing way to educate you, I have been barking to share infographics once a month about dog breeds- these should give you some guidance when looking for your next companion-

Why Not Adopt!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How To Keep Your Cat And Dog In The Best Of Health

Pets are like members of the family, so it stands to reason that you will want to make sure your best friend stays as healthy as possible. Prevention is always better than a cure—after all, the last thing anyone wants is a sick pet on their hands. So if you are a new pet owner and you want some simple tips on how to look after your new pal, there are a few things you should take note of.

Regular Worming Treatments

License: Creative Commons image source 
Cats and dogs need regular worming treatments. Worming is a two minute task and effective worming treatments are readily available from pet stores and also from your local veterinarian. A worm infestation can lead to all kinds of problems, including ill health and secondary infections. Worm infestations in pets can also affect humans and cause serious illness, so make sure you worm your pet regularly.

Anti-Flea Treatment

License: Royalty Free or iStock source: Image Source
Fleas are a real problem when they take up residence on your pet. Flea infestations are usually caught from other pets, so cats and dogs that come into close contact with other animals are particularly at risk. A tell-tale sign of a flea problem is when your pet spends a lot of time scratching and itching. You may also suffer from flea bites. If this happens, buy some effective flea treatment for your pet and a can of insecticide for the house.

Healthy Diet

License: Creative Commons image source 
Fat, overweight pets are very common. Most owners with a fat pet are oblivious to the health problems their pet is at risk of developing as a result, including:

  • Diabetes 
  • Heart problems 
  • Arthritis 
To avoid this sorry state of affairs, never feed your pet more than the recommended daily allowance of food and don’t be tempted to give them ‘little treats’ all the time. You won’t be doing them any favors.

Regular Exercise

License: Creative Commons image source
This aspect of healthcare is linked to diet. All pets need regular exercise, but if your pet is looking a bit porky, he or she definitely needs more exercise. Cats generally exercise themselves, but if your cat is a house cat, provide lots of toys to encourage them to run around and play. Some breeds of dog require more exercise than others, so make sure you give your canine friend the right amount of daily walks.

Mental Stimulation

License: Creative Commons image source
Mental stimulation is just as important as physical care. Dogs need exercise and play time to provide mental stimulation. They also need human company, so reconsider introducing a dog into your home if you are out of the house for more than a few hours per day—it isn’t fair on the dog. Cats are less demanding, but they do still need human attention. If you ignore a cat, eventually that cat will go and adopt another family.

All pets benefit from regular veterinarian checkups. It is a chance to have their yearly inoculations and for your vet to look for signs of illness or underlying health problems. It is also a good opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.

Nancy Baker, the author of this article, is a freelance blogger, currently writing for, Pond Point Animal Hospital, a leading veterinary care center based in CT. She loves barbeques and family get-togethers and enjoys her evenings walking her pet dog, Millie. You can reach Nancy on Twitter @Nancy_Baker_.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

2nd Annual Christmas Gifts Festival - AJ Emm

WOOF!!! My first guest artist this year is AJ Emm:

I’m AJ Emm, and I’m a dog-aholic.

I’m also an artist, so it’s not really a big surprise that I’d end up specializing in pet portraits; more of a natural progression. It started a few years ago – I was testing out Illustrator to see what I could do with it and ended up with a portrait of a friend’s Chihuahua, Zelda – and it all grew from there. Now, I spend my days working on commissioned portraits of furry (or feathered, or scaly!) loved ones, both past and present, and I couldn’t love it more.
"AJ Emm Prints"
Credit: AJ Emm - Used by Permission
Every pet is special, and I strive to capture the unique traits of each individual pet when I work on these illustrations. I always ask for a number of photos of pets to work from – the more, the better! – and my digital illustrations are hand-drawn (no cheesy digital filters here) using a variety of references to capture the unique markings and expressions of each pet.

"AJ Emm Drawing"
Credit: AJ Emm, Used by Permission
I think that part of the beauty of an illustration (aside from having fun artwork to hang in your house, of course) is that there are no restrictions – anything is possible! There’s no stress for nervous or reactive dogs, who might be too uncomfortable to sit for a photographer. Pets who don’t always get along (like my own cat and dog!) can be drawn into a portrait together. Past and present pets can sit side-by-side, even if they never had a chance to meet. The possibilities are endless!

Credit: AJ Emm
Each order consists of one signed 8x10” print, shipped free worldwide, and a high-resolution digital file. (Other print sizes are available on request, as well!) Please feel free to have a look at my website,, for pricing and ordering information. (If you’re looking for a Christmas gift for the pet lover in your life, please place your order as soon as possible – I can’t guarantee delivery on time for orders placed after December 1st at the absolute latest!)

"Max and Patches"
Credit: AJ Emms
Thank you to Noah, Allen, and all the readers at From The Dogs Paw for having me here today! It’s been fun!

- AJ Emm

Monday, November 18, 2013

2nd Annual Christmas Gifts Festival - Nov 18 - Dec. 15, 2013

WOOF!!!  Merry Christmas- maybe a bit early, but had to get started on my pawsome Christmas Festival so if you want to order gifts, you'll have time!!

What am I barking about?  Last year, I had the pawsome opportunity to host blog posts about Christmas gifts for dog and cat lovers.  I pawed on artists who painted, created jewelry, wrote books and the like- the paw was to give those who want to give their friends something special and unique for a gift this season.

I a pawsome time with it, so am doing it again!  WOOF!!!

Welcome to the 2nd Annual Christmas Gifts Festival!!  The artists and crafters wrote their own posts which includes photos of their work.  I paw that you find something for your humans or for your friends with dogs and cats!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Paws for the Philipines

By now, you've undoubtedly heard of the terrible typhoon that hit the Philipines,I want to share a way you can help the paws get some help!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Dog in Need of Help- Meet Jersey!!

Credit: PetConnect Rescue

About a week ago or so ago, one of my dog rescue friends at PetConnect Rescue introduced me to a young lady name Jersey who is in need of some help.

Her story is one of sad and good news. The sad news is that she found herself at a rural, high kill shelter through no fault of her own. PetConnect Rescue found her, brought her to the Washington D.C. Metro area and placed her in a loving foster home.

While being a “hound” one day (sounds like me) at her foster’s home, she explored the backyard only to discover a Copperhead snake. YIKES! WOOF!!! She was bitten which caused her to become lethargic and unable to walk due to horrible pain. Her face swelled!
"Jersey Resting"
Credit: PetConnect Rescue

Thanks to her foster’s quick thinking, she was rushed to the vet. Jersey required around-the clock care at a local veterinary hospital to stabilize her. Afterwards, she was returned to her foster home for observation and a bunch of TLC!!

Jersey is doing well. The swelling on her face has gone down some and she’s eating better. WOOF!!!! She will need follow-up vet appointments to monitor her progress.

PetConnect Rescue is trying to raise funds to help with her medical expenses. Thank you to the many wonderful supporters, over $4,900 has been raised- the last time I pawed to their page.

Jersey and dogs everywhere are grateful for your love and support of her!! If you would like to donate to Jersey's expenses, please visit Smothered in Love- HELP JERSEY!

*Please be assured that all funds raised that exceed Jersey’s personal medical care costs will be designated exclusively for our Critical Care Fund that will benefit other PetConnect Rescue animals who face similar urgent, even life-threatening, medical challenges.

"Thanks for Helping Me!" - Jersey
Credit: PetConnect Rescue

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday's Friend - Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc.

This week, my pawfriend at Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc. introduced me to a great guy who is in need of a friend and a Forever Home.

Tiny, 6 years old, 61 lbs., heartworm negative yellow neutered male is a special dog!  Why?
Credit: Lab Rescue of  L.R.C.P., Inc. 
Tiny has a great personality!  He is loyal, cool, lovable, has great house manners, loves going for a walk and is very happy to be right by your side.  He is a great exercise partner and terrific companion.  One fun thing with Tiny, is he makes great warbling noises as he goes- it just really cool.

Tiny is a diabetic and needs insulin injections twice daily on a regular schedule which takes barely a minute and can be done by one person.  He cooperates so well, he practically hands you his paw and arm for you to do the job -then he's off to enjoy time with you.

He is up to date on his shots, good with other dogs and approved for children aged 10 years old and older.

Helping Tiny stay well: 2 minutes a day.
Giving Tiny his permanent home: Priceless!

Tiny has been featured by Generation Wags. Generation Wags.

If you would like more information about Tiny, please contact Lab-Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc. .
Credit: Lab-Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc.