My next artist in the Christmas Gifts Festival is "For Love of A Dog!" WOOF!! For "Love of A Dog" celebrated the Christmas Gifts Festival last year and I am pawed to welcome them back!
RUFF!!!! This year, I pawed my buddies, Jeffie, Rudy, and Rosie to bark about their human's business giving a unique barkspective on her art.
Hey guys! Please introduce yourselves-
Woof! I’m Jeffie and, as the oldest, I get to do the most barking around here. I’m 7 and I think I wear my age very well. That big lug of a guy is Rudy. He’s 3, but still pretty goofy. Shortie over there is our sis, Rosie. She just turned one year old this month and had a great birthday party.
My dog mama was a Golden Retriever who had a rendezvous with a Border Collie. Mama found me and Rosie in the same animal shelter and fell in love at first sight. (What’s not to love about this face?!) Don’t let Rosie’s black fur fool you - her dog mama was a Golden Retriever, too. Rudy is a Labrador Retriever and he fancies himself a cover model or something.
WOOF!! Please tell me about your human-Our mama’s name is Sue and we love her! We just wish she wouldn’t work so much and would play Jolly ball and flippy flier with us all day, every day!
What's "For Love of A Dog" about?For Love of a Dog Jewelry & Gifts is our Mama’s business. I bet you didn't know that we work for her. Our jobs are very important! I’m the Head of Security. Though we all patrol and protect, it’s my job to keep an eye out for any traffic up on the road - especially the FedEx or UPS men - any wild animals or birds that venture into our territory.
Rosie? Well, right now Rosie is an apprentice. She’s young and we’re not sure yet just where her talents lie. She might turn out to be the best greeter and Head of Customer Service. Right now she’s pretty much a horner-inner, if you know what I mean. Puppies, right?!
I see your human makes jewelry- please woof about it-Mama has a jewelry studio that’s like a little house with lots of big windows. We all like to go out there with her. We keep her company and she says we inspire her.
Our mama, Sue, makes beautiful one of a kind jewelry for people who love dogs. Rudy like mama’s specific dog breed jewelry best, particularly the yellow Lab dog jewelry. Rosie and I really like the mutt and mixed dog breed jewelry a lot.
All three of us love mama’s bracelets, especially the Dog Mom , Adopt a Best Friend, and Rescue dog bone bracelets! And for the guys, there are pawsome dog breed Christmas ornaments that are real treats! (We really like treats.)
All her jewelry is handmade and beautiful. Fetch For Love of a Dog and you’ll see what we mean! You can search by Specific Dog Breed Jewelry, by Mutts Dog, by something for your Dog Mom, or by Adopt a Dog and Dog Rescue Jewelry and you can shop for Dog Breed Christmas Ornaments!!
Woof! Almost forgot - there’s free shipping to all US addresses, too!