Saturday, February 19, 2022

Pet Dental Health Month!

Photo by Marek Szturc on Unsplash
"A Smiling Dog!"

Do you brush your teeth? How many times do you brush your teeth every day? Why do you brush your teeth? What happens if you don’t brush them? BARKS! Paws, believe it or not, you should be brushing your dog or cat’s teeth on a regular basis too. Maybe not three times a day and pawsitively not using any human toothpaste or toothbrush. And, not the one you use no matter how much you love your dog or cat! WOOF and MEOW!!!!

Once upon a time in a city not too distant where my humans had a home many years before my father even had a glimmer in his eye, there was this pawsome cat who came to live with my humans. Like me, he was adopted, meowingly, he was much older than I. Not long after he moved in, my humans discovered he desperately needed dental work. Prior humans in the cat’s life, didn’t do appropriate measures to maintain its teeth.

As the cat went on with his life, he had tremendous tooth decay develop. My humans learned from his Veterinarian the problems started years ago and were never addressed so they did so! WOOFs!!! BARK!

After the extraction of several teeth, the cat went on to live a pawtastic life even returning to a pawsome playfulness not known to his humans. He even adopted my dad human as his kitten to care for which was an interesting experience for him, in and of itself. Barks! Er, meow.

Barkingly, it is highly pawssible you could brush your dog’s teeth yourself. Simply visit a local pet shop and search the variety of products that help you learn and supply the appropriate tools to keep your pup's teeth clean. Tools? Same as a human, except dogs, do not floss after brushing nor use a mouthwash!

Barkingly, be careful when you try to brush your dog or cat’s teeth. If they resist or pull away, do not force your efforts. Lay the toothbrush down and allow your pet to check it out. sniff, barks but be careful they do get ahold of it and tear it up.

If brushing doesn’t work for you, there are plenty of treats that work to keep your dog or cat’s teeth clean! Also, visit your veterinarian and inquire about dental cleaning. Many vet offices offer procedures at a discount during February!

(C) from The Dog's Paw!

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