Wednesday, June 28, 2023

National Pet Preparedness Month

Photo by Pixabay:

WOOF! After reading a local news story starting with more than usual local tornado watches and warnings, residents should prepare for their pets. Barkingly, the Hurricane Season began June 1, and storm preparation is impawtant! BARKS!

WOOF! To prepare, humans should be aware of the natural and man-made disasters which could happen in your area. Paws, each disaster can require different preparation. Woofs, typically, our area has had a few tornadoes, and hurricanes over the years. My humans have taken me to the basement for tornado warnings. A derecho and a hurricane came through several years ago, which required us to put our plans into action. We were prepared as we’d made plans before the storm ever happened.

Barks, when my human first adopted me, he taught me to obey his voice commands which he sometimes uses in an emergency situation. These commands, “LET’S GO NOAH! GO!” and “LET’S GO ABBY! GO!”  followed by showing me to the basement, was a drill we repeatedly practiced until he was satisfied I had it in my skills. This has proved to be beneficial during “Tornado Warnings.”

Paws, my human maintains a pawlastic box in his studio with needed items for me, such as a leash, poop bags, some treats, flashlights, and an umbrella. Near the doors to the house, he has pawlaced leashes in strategic locations in case we have to leave with no time to grab stuff. A basket of large towels are kept close by too. He makes certain when the items are used, they are returned as they are useful in an emergency.

Keep extra supplies, including bottled water, extra leashes and collars, bowls, poop bags, and at least a two weeks supply of pet food and bottled water, on hand! Obtain a pet first aid kit too. WOOF! Have a properly sized pet carrier or crate for each pet. Store these where you can grab them and go.  Paws, if you have a cat, keep cat litter and a pan too. BARKS! Keep a few current photos of your pets handy in case they are needed. 

Meows, pawlanning for cat safety can be challenging. Paws, Samson will tell you, he only does what he wants to do when he wants to do it and not a second earlier, and then it might require a nap before he acts on it. woof. Keep your cat's crate in a handy location where you know where to find it in an emergency. If your cat has a collar with an ID tag, make sure it is on securely. Paws, it will be handy for you to know where your cat likes to hide in your home. If you have to look for it, you'll have a good idea of where to start! 

Barks, research places where you can take your pets in an emergency evacuation. Do you have family or friends who will allow you and your pets to stay awhile? Create and update a list of hotels and emergency shelters which allow pets. Bring Fido and Go Pet Friendly have directories of pet-friendly lodging options.

Maintain a folder of your pets medical records, vaccinations, and preventatives. Keep it updated! My human keeps copies in a folder along with photos of me in our cars as we will use one to evacuate in an emergency making it pawsomely handy! WOOF!

WOOFS! As always, keep ID Tags and microchips up-to-date!

Barkingly, another preparation that humans be prepared for is an emergency Veterinary trip. A human wasted urgent travel time searching for a leash, collar, and towels to cover the bleeding paw. Be prepared.

(C) 2023, from The Dog's Paw!

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