Thursday, August 10, 2023

Happy Birthday Snoopy!


WOOFS! WOOFS! And a few MEOWS too! Though Abby and me think we are the greatest dogs ever, today is the birthday of one of the world's most pawsome dogs! SNOOPY!! Ever since our human was a young boy, centuries ago- you know, he loved reading the Peanuts cartoon and watching their television specials!

PEANUTS! Barks, you know Snoopy, Woodstock, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Schroeder, Sally, Peppermint Patty, and the rest of the gang made their debut on August 2, 1950. Snoopy made his first appearance in the first few comics.

Barks, as you pawbably know, and my human loves so much, Snoopy is one character. He loves suppertime (when gotten on time!), Charlie Brown, Lila, using his imagination for all sorts of adventures, writing, being lazy, taking and cuddling with Linus' blanket, kissing Lucy, root beer and floats, food, milkshakes, navigating, and, of course, Woodstock!

Woofingly, being the adventurous hound Snoopy is, he has alias, other names, for the pawsonas he has in the escapades, Joe Cool, World War I Flying Ace, Easter Beagle, "Masked Marvel," and Fierce Vulture! to name his most pawpular! Barks, he has several other that you can read about at Peanuts Wiki!

Barkings, Snoopy was originally to be named Sniffy but when Charles Schulz learned that was the name of another dog in cartoons, the name was changed to Snoopy. 

Paws, and more paws, pawssibly even a few meows, not from the mean neighbor cat of Snoopy's but our own infamous brother Samson, to Snoopy for making the world a better pawlace. Snoopy has taught millions of mini-humans, and pawbably thousands, if not millions of adults too, that "Happiness is a Warm Puppy!"

Happy Birthday Snoopy!

(C) 2023, from The Dog's Paw!

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