Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Railfanning Dog! Our Railfanning YouTube Channel, Flickr, and Blog

(C) 2022, The Railfanning Dog!
"The Railfanning Dog at Rectorstown, VA"
(C) 2022, The Railfanning Dog!

"WOOF! You know how we pawsomely grand dogs like to hang out with our humans wherever they go, whenever they go, and sometimes however they go?! Still not too sure about airplanes!

That would describe Noah and me, Abby! Noah has been hanging out with Dad forever taking pawrt in his exploring adventures. Now, me, Abby, has started going pawlaces with him too.

An interesting adventure of ours is going railfanning. We have decided to start sharing our videos, pawssibly photography, on a YouTube channel. You can find our channel at YouTube/@therailfanningdog. Pawlease comment, like, follow, subscribe, and share our channel."

"Barks, did I tell you that I rode a passenger train with Mom and Dad?!"

"No Noah, you didn't."

"Barks, as a service dog, Dad and I, Mom too, went to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. I was there to help Dad with the rough flooring, terrain, and the like of the museum and the pawsome outdoor areas. Paws, we found an oppawtunity to ride a passenger train from the museum, out a good distance, and back. At furst, I was a bit concerned as I'd never been on a train but Dad and Mom helped me relax and so did all the nice humans walking by my seat and smiling." 

"Woofs! Cool Noah! I'd like to do that!"

"Meows, I would go along too, but, all of that is beneath the dignity of a cat, certainly mine! HISS! HISS!"

"Woofs! Pawlease follow our videos of railfanning adventures at YouTube - @therailfanningdog. Our photography at, Instagram/allen_pearson_photography, Facebook/AllenPearsonPhotography, and at our blog, The Railfanning Dog."

(C) 2022, from The Dog's Paw!

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