Wednesday, May 3, 2023

We're BACK!! Did you Miss Us??

Woofs, meows, and pawlenty of paws for cheers because we are back with our pawsomely grand readers! We have seriously missed YOU! Each and every one of YOU!!!! While we were writing posts, they weren't going out to you by email. Our pawsome friend "Cat Lady" from PetConnect Rescue brought it to our attention.

We paw to you a bazillion apawlogies for the error with our email provider.  We had quite a few projects going on at the same time and, barks, there was one problem after another. Woofs, this was a separate issue that really didn't alert us to the problem until some time into it.

(C) 2023, Alison M. Wood
It took Dad a while to find someone to help him with all of the technology issues, but then he remembered Alison Wood, who he had worked with years ago. While he was closing his photography business, followed by working on a website he wanted to create, it was determined he needed someone to help him finish it. The new website is Wednesday's Words, which we will share more about later. He contacted Alison, who did a great job with the new site and had the pawsome skills to help us with this website. Meows! Barks. 

We are barkingly and meowingly thankful for Alison M. Wood, who worked diligently to determine the issues with our email and solve it. We are happily using a new service that will deliver our posts to you in a timely manner. Woofs, this is great; it will keep Dad out of our hair! 

Barkingly, we will be sharing stories about living with our humans, our "Friday's Friend!" posts featuring our fine furry friends needing "Forever Homes" with humans to love who will love them too, dog and cat cartoons, and other entertaining stories along the way. 

We hope you continue to subscribe to our email, share posts with friends so they can subscribe, and comment on our posts! If you aren't a subscriber, pawlease become one by entering your email in the box on the left side of this post! 

(C) 2023, from The Dog's Paw!

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