Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday's Friend! Dog Adoption, Cat Adoption

(C) 2023, from The Dog's Paw!

Woofs! Meows! Good day to our fine canine, feline, and human friends. 

Our Administrative Assistant has had an incredibly busy week! He had to go to Northern Virginia for a dentist and chiropractor appointment which meant two separate trips to the area and his workouts at the "Wellness Center" twice this week with impawtant appointments after them. Woofs, I don't think I've seen him going so much in one week! 

Barkingly, this morning, he has the mostest bestest pawsomest plans to have breakfast with his grandson. If you are a grandparent, you know how pawsome it is to get together with the grand mini-humans every chance you get. When they get older, it becomes harder to get together so the moments you can do so, are cherished. Paws, as they should be as moments with humans, canines, and felines are ones you don't want to miss!

Meows, since Dad was out much of this week, and definitely this morning, we aren't writing our usual "Friday's Friend!" post because we are not pawmitted to use the computer without human supervison. We pawlan to return to writing about our fine feline friends, oh, sorry, and canine friends, needing "Forever Homes!" next Friday, May 5!

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