Thursday, August 25, 2016

5 Natural Remedies to Cure Cat Constipation

Image Credits quinntheislander, CC0 1.0 - Link1

Our feline friends can be prone to constipation. Cats tend to be inefficient water drinkers; it’s in their nature. A majority of their water intake is derived from their diet. Nowadays, most felines are fed a dry food diet, which goes against their nature. Nature designed cats to be carnivores; they love to hunt and eat things such as a mice. Mice and other small animals contain more water than dry cat food.

Symptoms of Constipation

Cats can get very sick when constipated. In general, a cat will have a bowel movement one to two times per day. If the cat is going every two to four days, they may be experiencing constipation. This is because stagnant feces will frequently be hard and dry. Certain cats, such as those with long hair, tend to suffer more because of hairballs. Consider that when determining the cost of different breeds of cats before selecting your feline friend.

Here are other common signs:
  • Depression
  • Defecating in areas outside of the litter box
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Sluggish and fatigued
Natural Remedies for Cat Constipation

Image Credits quinntheislander, CC0 1.0 - Link2
If your cat is constipated, here are some natural remedies to try. If this is a frequent issue, speaking to your vet is also a wise idea.
  • Oat Bran: Fiber is important for regular bowel movements; this is often lacking in dry cat food. Add oat bran or other bran cereals to your pet’s food each day. This will help regulate their bowel movements.  
  • Bran is a common source of fiber and is found in wheat, oats and rice.
  • Pumpkin: This is another way to give your cat a boost of fiber. A tablespoon or two of canned, pureed pumpkin once or twice a day can help give enough fiber in their diet to make them go to the bathroom more frequently. If the cat refuses pumpkin, try butternut squash as an alternative. This is especially a great idea if you notice your cat is having a really difficult time.
  • Trim and Brush Your Cat: Cats tend to groom themselves, but this can lead to excessive hairball issues especially in long haired cats. Also, if you own a long haired cat, trim the hairs around their bottom so that tangled hair doesn’t lead to constipation. If hairballs are a frequent issue, adding a bit of petroleum jelly to the cat food should help. It provides intestinal lubrication.
  • Milk: Despite the common myth that cats drink milk, it actually can cause pets to develop severe diarrhea. If your cat is constipated, this isn’t a major concern. It is suggested to give your cat 1/8 cup of milk two times per day. Don’t continue with this method once the problem is gone.
  • Broth: Cats are naturally carnivores. They will be attracted to the smell of a meat based bone broth. Heat it up and add a ½ teaspoon of a laxative that contains psyllium. This will give them extra fiber, along with ensuring they are properly hydrated.
Psyllium is the husk of a seed. It is used in many common brands such as Metamucil and Fiberall. There are veterinary brands available as well. Owners can try to add some to canned cat food as well to help digestion get moving.
Along with these suggested remedies, be sure to try to encourage your feline friend to drink more water. Staying properly hydrated is essential. If your cat refuses to drink, adding a flavor, such as the water from a can of tuna, should entice them to drink. Switching to canned cat food instead of dry food may help eliminate these issues. Speak to the veterinarian if constipation becomes a constant or severe problem.

Author Bio:
Rohit is a pet enthusiast who believes that animals are the purest spirits. He feels that animals are the most faithful and loyal creatures. He has a cat, and loves to play with her in his free time.

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