Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday's Friend! Dog Adoption, Operation Paws for Homes

Dog Adoption
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes
Creative: Allen Pearson

WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! I bark and paw that you had a pawnderfully pawsome Thanksgiving! WOOF! Mu friends from Operation Paws for Homes brought by a handsome fella for you to meet! Honoring Roy is looking for his "Forever Home" and humans to love!

Honoring Roy is a fella full of happy, wagging tail and lots of kisses! For around 8-months-old, pawssibly Labrador/Hound mix, he is a pretty low energy-kinda-guy! Barkingly, he does love to play with other dogs and loves playing with toys!
Dog Adoption

Barks, Roy is a low-key laid-back kinda guy who is sweet and submissive. He doesn't jump either! WOOF! Barkingly, quite the gentle guy!

Roy enjoys his crate and rests quietly in there at night and when his humans are not home! He is house-trained too!

Roy is looking for humans who will love him like family, train him, exercise him regularly and love kisses!

Roy's adopter will need to allow him time to work through his shyness in his own time!

Barkingly Roy would do great in a home with another dog, or several dogs, to teach him to be the bestest-dog-he-can-be!

To learn about adopting a dog with Operation Paws for Homes, pawlease visit their Adoption Guide!

Paws, to meet or apply to pawssibly adopt Honoring Roy, pawlease complete the Operation Paws for Homes Dog Adoption Application!

Barks, do you love dogs, but, are not able to adopt? How about considering sponsoring Honoring Roy? Sponsoring Honoring Roy provides financial resources for his food, care, and Veterinary needs. Interested? Pawlease visit Sponsor!
Dog Adoption
Photo: Operation Paws for Homes
Creative: Allen Pearson

Dog Adoption

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