Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Recycled, Recyling and Love

"Max A Pooch!"
I want to introduce you to a friend I made a few weeks ago. His name is “Max A Pooch” who is known as the “throwaway” or “recycled dog” because he’s a rescued dog that puts litter in its place.

I caught up with Max A Pooch through one of those online social networks, but please don’t tell my human. I found his story to be interesting because we have something in common. We’re both dogs whose original owners gave up on us and left us at a kill shelter. Fortunately, for us, we had other humans who took us in. Anyway, let me step aside and let Max share his story.

“Thanks. I am a recycled dog. If I hadn't been adopted I would have been killed and thrown in a landfill with little more thought than a discarded bottle or can,” Max begins.

He continues, “I was a mere puppy of six months when my previous owners turned me into the local animal control facility. My short life would have ended if the staff of a no-kill shelter named ‘Orphans of The Storm’ hadn't rescued me!”

“Millions of dogs are not as fortunate as I am and must be put down (that is human talk for killed) each year. Thousands of others linger year after year at the no kill shelters that saved them, because there is no one who will adopt them. Whether you want a purebred dog or a mixed breed, animal shelters such as Orphans of the Storm, are excellent places to begin your search.

Despite what some people may say, up to 25 percent of the dogs placed by shelters such as Orphans of the Storm are purebreds. It may take some time and patience to find a purebred of the breed for which you are looking, but adopting a dog shouldn't be an impulse move. As you search you may find that a mixed breed catches your eye. That's okay. Whether a dog is a purebred with a pedigree or a mixed breed of unknown origins, the dog doesn't care.

What really counts is if you and the dog are a match made for a forever home. If it is, such a match you will have done a wonderful thing and recycled a dog and given it a new chance at having a happy and productive life,” Max A Pooch finishes.
"Max A Pooch Putting Litter in its Place"
What I find fascinating about Max A Pooch is that he does what most humans won't. He picks up litter and puts it in its place. He demonstrates that reducing litter is so easy even a pooch can do it. By doing so, he raises awareness of the plight of millions of throwaway dogs and other pets that are euthanized annually!

When Max A Pooch appears live on TV, in print, blogs, web sites or his website he is a reminder that people who discard pets and who discard litter have a common trait...a lack of a sense of responsibility. The result is that annually more than 4 million cats and dogs are put down each year and $15 billion is spent in the US to pick up litter. That's a powerful message!

Max A Pooch is in the running for an award for his efforts too. You can show your support for Max’s work by going to his website and voting for him to be hero…….

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