Thursday, June 6, 2013

PetConnect Rescue and Do More 24!!

Noah- Pawthor,
"From the Dog's Paw"

(C) Allen Pearson 
You know, I have dedicated myself to being a dog. It started about 5 years ago on a cool fall morning in November 2007 in the hills of North Carolina. I love my job, my work, the profession allotted me in life. I am very good at it and have done my best to be my best since that chilly morning in November 2007.

Somehow, along the way of the first few years of like I became separated from my owner. I don’t completely understand what happened as I was doing the best I could do to be a great puppy but I ended up in a high kill shelter at around 2 years old. I kept hoping that my humans would come looking for me but it never happened. As the inevitable moment of meeting the Great One I love was possibly coming my way, a miracle happened and I was snatched by a kind lady who arranged for a helicopter ride to take me to PetConnect Rescue in Potomac, Maryland.

I was scared to death as I peaked out the window from the helicopter. Thank goodness the pilot had little bags as it happened before I knew it was going to. Oh, and a good stock of air fresheners- bless his heart.  

In Potomac, MD, I met up with the lady who snatched me up- giving me a chance to continue being a dog. She was really nice, gave me some food and water and treats as I slowly began to trust her- but then she took me to the vet where my body was used for a pin cushion- they kept telling me it was “good for me” and I thought “easy to say where you’re on that end of the needle.” I checked out pretty good with the vet. I had a few problems but they took care of those.

I was taken to a house where a kind lady feeds me, gives me fresh water, introduces me to her dogs, and I learn some basic obedience and commands.  She was my “foster mom” and I learned this isn't my permanent home but that would come along soon.

After several humans visiting me, walks and showing my handsome and talented self off to several humans- the day came that I met my humans and found my Forever Home. They love me and I them. I have been very good for them and their family- we've been through the loss of family members together and illnesses, we've gone on vacations and I've managed to get my male human healthier by making him exercise me, I got his blood pressure down.
I share my story today because I am hoping you will be able to donate today, Thursday, June 6, 2013, to help PetConnect Rescue raise funds so they can rescue other animals who might make life more exciting for more families, please visit the PetConnect Rescue Do More Page to make a donation.
Credit: PetConnect Rescue 2013

I'd like to paw a bark about my rescue for you:  "PetConnect Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity founded in 2005, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina with a mission is to be a best-in-class animal rescue organization dedicated to helping cats and dogs in need.

Highly valued, compassionate and dedicated volunteers are commit to rescuing adoptable, at-risk cats and dogs from high-kill shelters and placing them in loving foster homes.  The animals are provided needed medical care, spaying or neutering and then thoughtfully placed with caring adopters.

PetConnect Rescues goal is to make the adoption process a kind, informed, effective and rewarding experience for the animals in our care, our volunteers and the adopter(s) providing loving forever homes. 

In order to achieve our goals, we treat everyone with respect, provide training, education and ongoing support, demonstrate courtesy and professionalism and are committed to the highest standard of excellence.

And, a note from the human founder:

 “PetConnect Rescue’s mission is to find permanent, safe and loving homes for defenseless dogs and cats.  We are committed to ensuring a kind, informative adoption process and to raising awareness for the cause of animal welfare. What started as a small, grass-roots effort surrounding a hurricane has turned into a thriving animal rescue organization. We are heartened to see our adoption numbers increase substantially each year, and we are in awe of the outpouring of volunteer support we have witnessed. Every time we pull a cat or dog into rescue, we take a leap of faith. Every time, it works out. With commitment and compassion, our goal is to expand our outreach programs while bringing ever more animals to safety.”

~Lizette Chanock, PetConnect Rescue’s Founder

To support PetConnect Rescue's effort today, visit  PetConnect Rescue Do More Page

"Cat Friends"
(C) Allen Pearson

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