Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday's Friend! Cat Adoption, PetConnect Rescue

Photo Credit: PetConnect Rescue
Creative: Allen Pearson

MEOW! This week when my pawsome friend "Cat Lady" from PetConnect Rescue brought by a kitten named "Wolverine" to introduce to you, I was barkingly concerned! I thought, "oh my! with that name, is he a little wolf?" Paws, nope, he is a handsome fella looking for a "Forever Home!"

Photo Credit: PetConnect Rescue
Creative: Allen Pearson
Wolverine is a playful, yet mischievous and yet cuddly fella! He is one purring machine- purr- he purrs so hard that his entire body vibrates! Barkingly pawsome1

Wolverine is good with other cats, mini-humans and dogs!

Interested in learning more about cat adoption? Visit the PetConnect Rescue Cat Adoption Guide!

If you would like to meet Wolverine or apply to pawssibly adopt him, pawlease complete the PetConnect Rescue Cat Adoption Application!

Unable to adopt? Please consider supporting Wolverine financially. Donations will assist with his care. Any extra funds will be used to assist other cats at PetConnect Rescue. Interested, please donate HERE!

Photo Credit: PetConnect Rescue
Creative: Allen Pearson

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