Friday, December 28, 2018

Friday's Friend! Dog Adoption, Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc.

Photo: Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc.
Creative: Allen Pearson

WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! Last week, I got the pawsome news from "Lab Lady" at Lab Rescue of L.R.C.P., Inc. about a pawsome volunteer with a Christmas wish for all the senior dogs, dogs age 9 or older, be adopted by the New Year! WOOF!

Barkingly, I love the idea too, paw, the oppawtunity to adopt a senior dog and have the adoption fee covered by the volunteer's husband has been extended to January 13, 2019!

WOOF! A few humans have already taken pawsome advantage of the oppawtunity with Star and Achilles, two senior pawsome Black Labrador Retrievers, being adopted! Barks, visit Lab Rescue/Senior Dogs to learn about other dogs waiting to be adopted.

Paws, sometimes senior dogs are overlooked for puppies because they think senior dogs are "problems" which is why they are waiting to be adopted! WOOF! Paws, but that isn't necessarily true! Many times, a senior dog lost his home because his humans got sick or too old to care for them. WOOF! Barkingly and thankfully, the dog is given to a dog rescue to find someone to care for them.

Senior dogs make pawsome family pets too. I should know because I'm a 12-year-old Black Labrador/Plott Hound mix! I may have slowed down some, but that's not bad since my humans have too! We grow old together.

Barks, most senior dogs, like me, have been house- and, many times, crate- trained! Often, we know tricks, how to play with toys and how to snuggle and cuddle like the best of them.

Senior dogs make great pets for the first time dog-owner since they are already trained so it makes the first experience much easier. They are settled in their routines and can help humans to learn their skills at training. WOOF!

Often, Senior dogs make great dogs as companions for senior citizens too. Paws, sometimes senior humans get lonely in their day-to-day routine and could use some company. A senior dog isn't likely to be as rambunctious and into everything as a young puppy would probably be. We don't necessarily want to take long runs, walks or hikes. A nice stroll with their human is great! WOOF! Senior dogs will be happy to curl up on a dog bed or their human's bed to be near their human!

WOOF! Sounds like a win-win idea to me. If you would like to learn more, start by visiting Lab Rescue/Seniors!

Barks! Do you love Labrador Retrievers. but, for whatever reason, are not able to adopt? Please consider supporting Lab Rescue financially. Donations will assist with the Labrador Retrievers care.  Interested, please donate HERE!


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