Thursday, December 27, 2018

Happy Gotcha Day Noah!

(C) Allen Pearson

Happy Gotcha Day Noah! 10 years ago, we adopted you from PetConnect Rescue! Little did we know that you would change our lives forever and become such an important member of our family!

From the first day we adopted you through now, you've had this incredible amount of energy which you use daily to get me to go for walks, play tug-of-war, and playing with toys or sticks in the backyard. Our walks went from to the corner and back, to around the block to 2 miles daily with an occasional trip to 3-4 miles.

In the years you've been with us, you taught Mom to become more of a dog lover than she ever was before, You taught her how awesome dogs are in many ways but especially by helping her care for her mother!

While our parents were ill, you made sure Mom and I and other family members were met with warm greetings! I don't know how you knew we all needed it, but you did!

When I retired from my career of 33 years to do something creative and more fun with my life, you have made it your goal to keep me company and never let me get bored.  You've made retirement much more fun than I imagined.

God certainly blessed us when we adopted you- Happy Gotcha Day Noah!

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