Friday, January 6, 2012

My Winter Coat- 2

Earlier this week, I mentioned my winter coat that my Dad makes me wear when it gets cold.  Despite the fact that I don’t like to wear it, it’s good for me and we all have to do things we don’t like in life!  Of course, there is fun in giving Dad a hard time sometimes.  It’s been awfully cold here lately which reminds me to mention cold weather care.

As you read in an earlier writing, where I posted the link to Accuweather’s article about paw care- be sure to have your human check your paws after a walk or being outside in an area that’s not your own.  My Dad doesn't use any chemicals on his property that would harm dogs or be a potential problem should a dog get in it. But, he’s pretty adamant about keeping me out of stuff when we are elsewhere.  The scent of everything gets my attention, so I’m off to get into it, while Dad’s being drug behind me to my scent’s delight.  He always wins and I don’t get into it.

One thing I love is my home.  I am spoiled but please don’t tell… I am loving it!  I have 3 places inside the house that are mine.  I can decorate them as I please- just ordered some art for my crate from Dad’s website, and I have two huge pillows- one is Dad’s studio and the other in his bedroom.  Mom and Dad keep me inside, especially in really cold weather.  They will let me go out to play for a bit but they keep an eye on me so I don’t get too cold. Yes, I am spoiled, but it’s a good thing.

Remind your human to keep you indoors at night, and during the day when they are not home, when the weather is freezing (and even the heat of summer).  Or, have them build you an insulated dog house which will protect you from the elements all year-round.  A couple $100,000’s should complete a nice place for you to stay outside if they don’t want you to be indoors.  Be sure to ask for the complete outdoor kitchen and living area too!!!

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