Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to Train your Puppy in Housebreaking

I've got a guest blogger, Richie Richardson, with me today- he's writing about Puppy Training.

Puppies are adorable. With their presence, they make everyone happy. But if your pup hasn’t learned housebreaking then it will be more of a trouble than a lovable pet. Housebreaking is not an easy task. It requires patience and an eagle eye. Below are some tips to train your pup in housebreaking.

Keep a Close watch on your pup:
At the beginnings, pups are unsure of where to relieve themselves. Any place irrespective of whether is clean or filled with dirt will be perfect for them. The best way is to watch them closely for the first few months. Of course, be prepared to clean and mop. No matter how careful you are, a pup will pee in the house at first.

Catch them in action:
There is no point in scolding a pup after it has done its job. You need to catch him in action. By doing so, the pup is able to relate with the action. Several pet owners scold their pet after it has peed in the house. Such actions will have no effect on the pup. Hence, you need to catch them in action. A stern ‘No’ will pass the message to the pup that the action is undesirable.

Leash them:
After a month or two, have your pet leashed. Take them out every few hours. When they have relieved themselves, quickly bring them in. If not, then tie them and take back again later until they have relieved themselves. Through this way, the pup will know outdoor is meant for relieving.

Continuing the above process, your pup will know what to do. It will start to communicate with you. There are different ways of communication. Without no reason the pup will whine. In some other cases, it will bark looking at you. However depending upon the breed there may be other indications. When you find such actions quickly take it out. At first, it will be hard to understand what your pup is trying to communicate. With patience you will come to understand your pet.

Do not shout:
Never shout at your pet. Your pet will take that as a compliment. As mentioned above, just say ‘No Doggy’ or ‘Bad Doggy’ with a stern voice. When it does its job outside the house, compliment it with a pat or a treat.

Leash it outdoor until it learns housebreaking:
Never leash them inside your house until it has completely learned housebreaking. Have them leashed next to your door or in the garden (from where it can feel your presence). In most cases, it will use the outdoor. Continue this for a month. Note: leash your pup at the same place so that it can relate the place and do its job.

About today's guest blogger:
Richie Richardson is full-time blogger and writes on pet training.


Kimberly, The Fur Mom said...

Fantastic tips.
Our first two dogs are litter mates who were familiar with a potty pad. We put one next to the door and whenever they went to the door, we took them right outside. They got tons of praise with every outside potty.

Taking puppies out after every meal, nap, and play session has been key.

With our newest puppy, we followed many of the tips you have here. We watch him carefully, take him out regularly, and never yell when he has an accident. Now we see him going to the door and waiting.


Allen Pearson said...

Thank you Kimberly! I think patience is key too. My human was fortunate that I caught on quick but we still had to work on it some. Dullesdog