Monday, December 11, 2017

A Charlie Brown Christmas!

Christmas finally arrived at our home! It is not Christmas until my human has seen "A Charlie Brown Christmas" on the local television station. Apparently, it needs to be on the TV channel, the right time and the like for my human to realize it's Christmas or maybe for him to start celebrating the Christmas season. A right funny bloke, he is!

Prior to the show, as you can't miss one second of this glorious fun, he will gather snacks and drinks and curl up in front of the TV with anticipation. You'd think the most glorious event in history was coming on. Paws, to him it probably is!

Part of my human's enjoyment is his snacks and what he drinks during the show. Since all the "good" and "delicious" stuff isn't allowed within his reach these days, I'm pawing to see what he grabs to snack on.  And, he is way too careful at how many treats he gives me so can't wait for that either.

My human tells me every year, and being the great dog that I am and not wanting to be rude and knowing that his dad used to do the same thing to him, I am quietly polite as I listen to the once again story of why he does this every year!


"Human! er, sorry, Yes Dad?" woof quietly under my breath...

"When I was just a young sprat." (what is a sprat I ask myself again quietly) "my parents and I used to watch a Charlie Brown Christmas every year. It wasn't Christmas until it came on the TV." (I think what a boring sprat ... I digress!) "We watched other Christmas shows like Rudolf-the-Red-Nosed-Reindeer or Frosty too. But, Charlie Christmas was the best and still is. We'd our snacks and be ready at 8 p.m.!"

Being totally surprised that there was television and in color when he was young, I try not to gasp or allow my face to turn all white or ashen as I say, "WOW- what a great memory Dad!"

So I paw and gently nudge my human as we curl up to watch his favorite Christmas show.  After all, Santa Claus is watching so I better watch out!"

Merry Christmas!

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