Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ground Hog's Day! WOOF!

"Ground Hog"
(C) Francesca Cappa, Flickr Creative Commons

Happy Groundhog Day!  One of the days in the winter months my human looks forward to as it means spring isn't far off!!!  

I ran the property, along the fence line, along the field, and wherever I could to find the groundhog so I can block him from seeing his shadow- so winter will be over quicker- BARKS- but I think the critter is smarter than one would think as he wasn't anywhere to be found!  WOOOOOOF!!!!! Maybe because he knows a Hound lives here!  WOOFS!

Since Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow early this morning, he's predicting 6 more weeks of winter.  This means, more cuddling with my humans on the couch, more naps on my bed in front of the fireplace with a fire going, more cuddling with mom on her favorite chair, more watching TV and movies! More resting to gear up for a very active spring, once again, with my humans.  BARKS!  

WOOF- thank you Ground Hog!

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