Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday's Friend! Cat Adoption, The Humane Society of Loudoun County

"Rebecca and Raye!"
(C) The Humane Society of Loudoun County
Meet my friends Rebecca and Raye, 14-year-old sisters, who have been together all of their lives!  

Rebecca loves being part of the family and will ask you for attention!  She's always happy when her humans come home at the end of the day!  She welcomes them by running all over the house!   

Raye is a bit more reserved and likes being around watching the activity watching what's happening! 

These two were adopted from the Humane Society of  Loudoun County as kittens in 2004. Meowingly, they were recently returned because there is a human new baby in the house who is allergic. 

Interested in applying to adopt Rebecca and Raye?  Please complete the Humane Society of Loudoun County Adoption Application.

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