Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day!

(C) Allen Pearson, All Rights Reserved
I don't remember much about my dog father. I know he was a really cool guy and did his best to raise me well. He gave me life along with my pawsome mom so I bark a huge "Thank You" to Dad.

My human Dad and I have been together for 8 years.  He adopted me at age 2.  We have had a pawsome journey barking together over the years.  I love taking him for really long walks making him as tired as possible then resting just a few minutes at home and rushing out the back door to play fetch and run the yard- he looks at me and says "I can't keep up with that!" I love the trips we take exploring the human universe and especially when we go railfanning! Those trains are pawsome too! Sometimes we get in the car, take our fur off and go for an "R" yes Dad, I know what it means and blast the radio. Dad makes sure that I have the bestest of food and treats and the cleanest of waters.  He takes me to the Veterinarian regularly- though if it weren't for the pretty Vet Techs, I'd get mad at him and bark really loud. He says I am really good for him and I know he is for me-  WOOF!!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in the universe.  Whether you are human or pawsome animal, whether you are the natural father or a stepfather or adopting father or whatever role of father you may be- there are many ways of being a father so I don't want to leave anyone out- may you have a pawsomely blessed day with those you love and love you too!

Used by Permission, GraphicStock

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