Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

"Happy New Year!!"
WOW! ! ! 2012 flew by in no time.   It was a great year, but fast.

Imagine this- if time is passing by for you- think how I feel where one year for a human is seven for a dog.  One moment, I'm a youngster, the next I'm pushing thirty-five!  Talk about your life flashing in front of your eyes?  Mine seems to be on fast forward and then some.....

Either way, it's been a great year.  I've had so much fun pawing posts and barking thoughts that I do know where to start as far as my favorite posts.

I had great fun with Cat Lady from PetConnect Rescue, meeting new friends -dogs and cats- and introducing you to them from Ambassador Pit Bulls, Operation Paws For Homes, PetConnect Rescue, and the Washington Humane Society.  These people do a great job helping animals out throughout the Washington D.C. metropolitan region. Dad hates it when I say that because he's a true Northern Virginian which is a story for another day.

I had great fun meeting and interviewing Martha StewardDarby, Interview 1Darby, Interview 2 and all the artists and crafters who made the Christmas Gifts Festival, Nov. 15 - Dec. 15 a success.  My list goes on and on, but my human says don't go on and on so I won't......  It was just a pawfectly, barkingly great time!!

And, I figured out that Google's statistics has nothing to do with drooling and is a great thing- really cool to paw through!!  I began this blog in October 2011 so my stats are:
  • 236 posts to date, with 226 in 2012
  • 9,196 page views since I started
  • I have been seen, read, viewed, looked at, barked at, meowed at or all of the above in the following countries (these are the top of the list):
    • United States of America
    • Russia
    • Ukraine
    • Germany
    • China
    • Poland
    • United Kingdom
    • Indonesia
    • Australia
    • India
This is exciting because I didn't know I knew anyone from anywhere except here much less there though I do have a friend somewhere who's not here but definitely all there!! 

I look forward to a pawtastic year with you in 2013 doing what we do best, introducing you to friends and sharing about their care through facts and humor.  Happy NEW YEAR, my friends!!!!

1 comment:

Allen Pearson said...

Thank you! You have fun!!